
Her life was a complete and utter lie

Yet in the Warcraft comics series, we see that Garona was never too far away, fiercely devoted to protecting her son at all costs. Despite her fears that she would one day end her son's life just as she'd ended Llane's, she still couldn't bring herself to move too far away. Because despite her body's strange independence of her mind's wishes, Med'an was still the last remnant of a time in which she'd been ... not happy, per se, but content with the moment.

When the truth was revealed, all preconceptions Garona had about her life came falling down around her. She wasn't half-human -- the amount of time she'd spent getting to know the human race, its culture and customs WOW Gold, it was all because of the Shadow Council's wishes. They let her think -- encouraged her to think that she was human, encouraged her to go to the humans and try to figure them out. In reality, her birth wasn't a random act of fate; it was an engineered moment in time. Her existence was not her own; her existence was purely at the whim of Gul'dan and the Shadow Council.

Her life was a complete and utter lie, and what's worse, she didn't even realize it. She went along blindly, bought every lie Gul'dan and the Shadow Council fed her in regards to her origins. In a way, the fact that she met Llane, the fact that she grew close to him was also a product of the Shadow Council. It was much easier to kill a target, when the target assumed you were friendly. That may be why the Shadow Council never questioned Garona's trips to Stormwind and never discouraged her from becoming an emissary to the humans.

