
There is one more example of Technology

Properties for sale in Pune can be searched by consulting the local property or home dealers. Also, the on the internet property or home portals are a superb help nowadays, one can discover an economical property or home sitting at his home. Internet has created it far easier for a typical man to Buy WOW Gold search the property or is know for his choice cheaply. The pleasant climate and the continuous developments in the town have attracted lot of customers to purchase the Pune property or home. Property and guide have eventually become preferred resources for the economical commitment of money nowadays. Therefore, purchasing or renting your house or home has become a very successful company in Native indian, the quantity of which keeps on multiplying eventually.

It is the technology of Technical Knowledge and application of it for day these days way of life. The origin of engineering is very old. Right from the Stone Age we have been using weapons of stone for hunting in jungle. The weapon creating was one engineering. Similarly illustrations of newest technology involve cell phone, LCD Television and so on.

Though Technology and the Law and two different things they are linked now a times. How Though there are creative and artistic thoughts to create there are duplicate cats and lazy individuals who always duplicate and take the money score without doing taking pains. So what would be remedy Answer is Rules or Law to protect from such robbery of perceptive perform. And they are Ip Laws and regulations – Patent, Copyright and Trademark Laws and regulations.

There is one more example of Technology which is really international these days and that is Internet. Internet criminal offenses are improving day by day. One newest example which I want to offer here is one college going student using e mail for interaction obtained an e mail stating that he has won the Award of Worldwide Cricket of Rs 10 Crore by answering the question forwarded to him and He will receive the award once he pays the processing expenses. He deposited the quantity in the consideration given by them through economical Cheap MapleStory Gold. But he did not obtained the Award. This has happened in Chandrapur, Maharashtra, Native indian in Apr May201This was done through a copied IP(Internet Permanent) deal with  a unique variety given to each computer attached to the Internet and Still police are searching the culprits. Here Control is Internet Law.

